IntersectMBO / plutus-apps

The Plutus application platform

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

docs miss information on which plutus-apps tag to use.

aleeusgr opened this issue · comments



Presumably at the time of the writing only latest checkout was used

Steps to reproduce the behavior

  1. git clone plutus-starter (see for docs)
  2. Follow this page and add first code block to src/
  3. ./scripts/test fails with error:

Actual Result

src/MyModule.hs:18:64: error:
    Module `Plutus.Contract' does not export `getParams'
18 | import Plutus.Contract (Contract, Endpoint, Promise, endpoint, getParams, logInfo, selectList, submitTxConstraints,
   |                                                                ^^^^^^^^^

Expected Result

no errors

Describe the approach you would take to fix this

I would supply the docs with newer code,
or dig when the docs were written and which git checkout was latest then.

System info

Linux nixos 5.15.82 #1-NixOS SMP Thu Dec 8 10:28:45 UTC 2022 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Thanks for the report. Yes, unfortunately, since the Babbage era plutus-starter isn't up to date, updating it is on our backlog and it should be resolved in a near future.

Unfortunately, there won't be a fix in a near future for this, as we have decided to rework plutus-starter instead of just updating it (see #971). There's a working nix environment for plutus-apps v1.1 in a dedicated branch of plutus-starter, but the provided CI and tests scripts have not been updated.


From my research for Developer Experience Working Group it follows that there is a gap in the docs that is significant and needs to be fixed somehow:
E.g. if I am a new developer on Cardano, odds are I am starting at Cardano Develper Portal and I end up here, but then I face a dead end.

Thank you!