IntersectMBO / plutus-apps

The Plutus application platform

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Coverage Report Static Analysis Issue

Ali-Hill opened this issue · comments


When producing the coverage report for the Governance contract it is reported that the nothing case in the state machine is uncovered. This is intentionally uncovered so I believe it should be considered as ignored by static analysis rather than uncovered.

Steps to reproduce the behavior

Download repository:

From the root of the repository run the following:

cabal repl plutus-use-cases-test
import Spec.Governance

This produces a coverage report it and stores it as Governance.html in the plutus-use-cases directory.

Actual Result

The nothing case in line 207 is reported as uncovered.
Screenshot 2022-12-08 at 15 14 39

Expected Result

The nothing case in line 207 is ignored.

Describe the approach you would take to fix this

No response

System info

OS: Mac

The issue is that you're using getCovIdx when you should be using computeRefinedCoverageIndex. I don't know that the design right now is entirely optimal, but I'm also not sure that you want the analysis to be the default... Anyway, that should solve your problem :)