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create-script-context - Custom redeemer no longer works for PlutusScriptV1

mkoura opened this issue · comments


The create-script-context tool no longer works with custom redeemer for PlutusScriptV1.

Steps to reproduce the behavior

  1. Run
create-script-context --generate-tx test_context_equivalence_tx.body --plutus-v1 --cardano-mode --testnet-magic 42 --out-file test_context_equivalence_context.redeemer

Actual Result

create-script-context: createAnyCustomRedeemer: PlutusScriptV1 custom redeemer not wired up yet
           CallStack (from HasCallStack):
             error, called at src/PlutusExample/ScriptContextChecker.hs:156:23 in plutus-example-

Expected Result

No errors and the redeemer is generated.

Describe the approach you would take to fix this

No response

System info

OS: Ferdora 37
Plutus apps: d37997b

Looks like this has been the case for over a year now. @mkoura how important is this working for your tests?

It was masked by other issues that were solved recently (like #1081). The script context E2E tests are broken for a very long time and I'd like to get the create-script-context usable again.