IntersectMBO / plutus-apps

The Plutus application platform

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plutus-use-cases-scripts not working for generating scripts

minolinpwork opened this issue · comments


When executing plutus-use-cases-scripts with parameter scripts it does not generate anything. When parameter transactions or mktx is passed it works.

I think the problem was introduced in this change
Link to plutus-apps commit
in the file Extract.hs when the ScriptValidationEvent was removed.

The extractor now does nothing for parameter scripts.

This is also how it behaves in the hydra builds:
Hydra plutus-use-cases-scripts output log

Steps to reproduce the behavior

  1. cd plutus-apps
  2. nix-shell --extra-experimental-features flakes
  3. mkdir tmp
  4. cabal run plutus-use-cases-scripts ./tmp scripts

Actual Result

It does not generate any scripts

Expected Result

That it would generate the scripts

Describe the approach you would take to fix this

No response

System info

OS: Debian 5.10.162
Plutus-apps: v1.1.0

See PR 642
I think this needs to be scheduled to be fixed.

Thanks for reporting, it's a known issue yes. In the past, we had our own homemade validator that gave us a full access to the script that were checked during validation. The downside was that the validator behaviour might differ from the node validation. So we switched to the validation of cardano-node, but we lose this functionality in the meantime.

Reintroducing is not trivial. We gonna assess it and see what can be done, but I can't promise it will be reintroduced. In the worst case though, we need at least to remove the functionnality instead of returning an empty result.