IntersectMBO / cardano-db-sync

A component that follows the Cardano chain and stores blocks and transactions in PostgreSQL

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Allow Haskell migrations before and after running each .sql files

kderme opened this issue · comments

applyMigration runs the migration of a .sql file as a cmd command. This means it cannot combine it in a single transaction with the runHaskellMigration. We could use the Cardano.Db.Run utillities for the files instead. We could also add Haskell migrations that run before the .sql files migrations again in the same transaction.

We could also add Haskell migrations that run before the .sql files migrations again in the same transaction.

@kderme I'm not entirely clear what is meant by this, if I understand this issue correct we are trying to consolidate all the queries in each .sql file and for them to just run once?

So in the code bellow we'd want to try consolidate everything (maybe as Text) and we could do a single rawSql?

ranAll <- case (mLogfiledir, allScripts) of
(_, []) ->
error $ "Empty schema dir " ++ show migrationDir
(Nothing, schema : scripts) -> do
putStrLn "Running:"
applyMigration' Nothing stdout schema
(scripts', ranAll) <- filterMigrations scripts
forM_ scripts' $ applyMigration' Nothing stdout
putStrLn "Success!"
pure ranAll
(Just logfiledir, schema : scripts) -> do
logFilename <- genLogFilename logfiledir
withFile logFilename AppendMode $ \logHandle -> do
unless quiet $ putStrLn "Running:"
applyMigration' (Just logFilename) logHandle schema
(scripts', ranAll) <- filterMigrations scripts
forM_ scripts' $ applyMigration' (Just logFilename) logHandle
unless quiet $ putStrLn "Success!"
pure ranAll
pure (ranAll, map (takeFileName . snd) (filter isUnofficialMigration allScripts))

If we parse all migrations files into a single query would I be right we could strip away:

  next_version int ;
  SELECT stage_two + 1 INTO next_version FROM schema_version ;
  IF next_version = 32 THEN
  -- the queries here we consolidate  --
    -- Hand written SQL statements can be added here.
    UPDATE schema_version SET stage_two = next_version ;
    RAISE NOTICE 'DB has been migrated to stage_two version %', next_version ;
  END IF ;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql ;

SELECT migrate() ;

DROP FUNCTION migrate() ;