InternLM / InternLM

Official release of InternLM2 7B and 20B base and chat models. 200K context support

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[QA] InternLM 2 对文字种类的识别, 生成能力以及微调相关问题

timousT opened this issue · comments

Describe the question.

  1. InternLM2对繁体中文的识别及生成能力是怎么样的?
  2. 如果用XTuner微调,应该怎么微调增加分词表的大小,来支援繁体中文?
  3. 假设不用XTuner微调,我应该要用什么工具去微调增加分词表的大小,来支援繁体中文?

This issue is marked as stale because it has been marked as invalid or awaiting response for 7 days without any further response. It will be closed in 7 days if the stale label is not removed or if there is no further response.

@zhangxc11 @lvhan028 @sunpengsdu @gouchangjiang 您们好, 能回答一下这个问题吗? 谢谢!

Hi, @timousT 抱歉回复晚了。
关于使用 xtuner 的微调,@pppppM 更清楚些。我请他来回复下

@timousT 如果想用 XTuner 进行扩词表训练,可以按以下步骤进行

  1. 挑选对应模型的 config 模板
xtuner list-cfg -p internlm2
xtuner copy-cfg internlm2_chat_7b_qlora_alpaca_e3 ./
  1. 在 config 中设置扩词表后的 tokenizer

  2. 使用全参数微调
    XTuner 默认使用 QLoRA 进行微调,不会训练 embbeding 和最后的 fc
    只需要将 config 中的 quantization_configlora 删掉即可

  3. 使用 DeepSpeed 启动训练
    `xtuner train --deepspeed_deepspeed_zero3

如果想训练自己的数据,可以参考 XTuner 文档准备数据集

This issue is marked as stale because it has been marked as invalid or awaiting response for 7 days without any further response. It will be closed in 7 days if the stale label is not removed or if there is no further response.

This issue is closed because it has been stale for 7 days. Please open a new issue if you have similar issues or you have any new updates now.