InternLM / InternLM

Official release of InternLM2 7B and 20B base and chat models. 200K context support

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ChingKwanCheung opened this issue · comments


在MindFormers的介绍中看到,目前支持internlm_7b, internlm_20b, internlm_7b_lora在MindSpore上部署,请问internlm2是否也可以在MindSpore上部署?

internlm2 目前我们没完全验证尝试过,可能有一定的适配工作量,我们去了解一下哈

想问下,internlm2模型的 attention q k v 权重是合并在一起了吗,类似baichuan 模型那样吗model.layers.0.self_attn.W_pack.weight":

想问下,internlm2模型的 attention q k v 权重是合并在一起了吗,类似baichuan 模型那样吗model.layers.0.self_attn.W_pack.weight":



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### Note
While the `` tool is available, we still advise opting for InternLM2 when practical, chiefly due to its superior efficiency. InternLM2, which is adapted from LLaMA, streamlines the process by integrating the `Wq`, `Wk`, `Wv` weight matrices into a single matrix `Wqkv`. This integration leads to approximately a **5%** speed increase during training. Given the substantial costs associated with pre-training, this efficiency boost can result in significant savings.

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