InterLinked1 / lbbs

Lightweight BBS For Linux - Bulletin Board System server software

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modify new user prompts

lostfile1 opened this issue · comments

i would like to change the new user prompts to only ask for IRL name birthday town and city

my bbs server should be up now try sshing into it using port 224

himm it keeps crashing as soon as i log out of it i will send you a log file of that when i get a chance

If it's crashing, I need a backtrace: you can get one by running scripts/bbs_dumper postdump and attaching the output (sanitizing as needed). You'll want to ensure there's actually a core file in your running directory before you run that.

./ line 18: gdb: command not found

You'll need to install gdb first: apt-get install gdb

got it

it also says i dont have the core file
/var/lib/lbbs/scripts/core: No such file or directory.

You need to run the script from the directory in which the BBS was started (e.g. /usr/src/lbbs).

Also make sure you start with the -g option, e.g. lbbs -gc.

If you can't find the core file and it's easy to reproduce the issue, you can also start the BBS again and reproduce; make sure not to change directories, and there should be a core file in your current directory.

You should be able to disable all the fields you mentioned except for email, which is still required.

You'll need to modify the database schema, which previously required certain columns to be non-NULL:

ALTER TABLE bbs.users MODIFY COLUMN phone varchar(512) NULL, MODIFY COLUMN zip varchar(512) NULL, MODIFY COLUMN gender char(1) NULL;