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Add a way to provide a certificate authority for kubectl configuration

micedre opened this issue · comments

When configuring the external api server for kubernetes in onyxia, the configuration script uses the flag --insecure-skip-tls-verify=true :

kubectl config set-cluster api \
  --server=https://api \

We would like to be able to provide a certificate in onyxia configuration so that this flag is not needed. For instance:

                  "URL": "",
                  "certificateAuthority": "LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUS...",
                      "issuerURI": "",
                      "clientID": "onyxia",

would gives :

kubectl config set-cluster api \
  --server=https://api \

In documentation : --certificate-authority seem to refer to a path

You're right, but there is still a way to do it, it seems by adding a command in the list

kubectl config set clusters.api.certificate-authority-data LStFDSglfskm....

so this is for the script provided here only ?


Yes, where would you want to use it ?

That script :

kubectl config set-cluster  \
  --server=  \

kubectl config set-credentials user \
  --auth-provider=oidc  \
kubectl config use-context 

would become :

kubectl config set-cluster \
  --server=  \

kubectl config set clusters.api.certificate-authority-data LStFDSglfskm....

kubectl config set-credentials user \
  --auth-provider=oidc  \
kubectl config use-context 

just to confirm @micedre