IngmarStein / 1pif-to-csv

Convert 1pif files from 1Password to CSV

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

otpauth require apple-otpauth on import

idarek opened this issue · comments

Great script!
not able to use go get but downloaded and run go run main.go... instead and all fine.

Just a heads up, that otpauth://totp need to be manually changed to apple-otpauth://totp if you want to import it correctly in MacOS Monterey.

Not a big issue, as Excel Replace can deal with that, but if you want to amend will make very good tool!

Ah, thanks for finding the missing link! I'll change that right away.

Updated in 23e5f61

I've just tried the batch import again (which takes an astounding amount of time for ~700 passwords) and it looks like the OTPAuth links for existing entries are not amended. It works when I open the apple-otpauth links in Safari. Did it work for you without manual steps?

I open my csv file generated by your script, changed otpauth to apple-otpauth and yes, it import in Monterey correctly and showing codes that match with what I got in other Authenticator app.

Ok, I just verified with a smaller subset and Monterey indeed does update existing entries with TOTP data. Looks like something may be broken when processing a large number (the secd process goes crazy). Thanks for your feedback!

I imported 890 :) with like 20-30OTP