IndexXuan / vite-plugin-html-template

html template for vite, like html-webpack-plugin for webpack.

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Is there support for partials and layouts?

rowild opened this issue · comments

And if so, does hot-reloading work?
(Because that's the PITA when it comes to webpack and HRM, be it pug, ejs, moustache: not hot reloading when editing partials.)

any demo/shoucase? I dont know about that.

@IndexXuan you don't know about ... what exactly? Whether vite supports partials and layouts? Or about webpack showcases?

webpack gist:

Some discussion / articles on the problem with HRM and partials editing:

Lots of stuff on that topic out there...

vite does not evan support html template.
I use ejs for partial include html many years ago, and it is not P0 for me to implements. while PR is welcome if you can help.

and it is not P0 for me to implements

@IndexXuan What do you mean by "P0"?

high priority

Ah! Understood! :-)