InBetweenNames / gentooLTO

A Gentoo Portage configuration for building with -O3, Graphite, and LTO optimizations

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-lto with -vtable-verify=(std|preinit)

Shea690901 opened this issue · comments

After a system crash that killed my rootfs I'm starting fresh and in dooing so found this overlay (nice btw.).
I've also decided to build all packages depending on libstdc++ with -fvtable-verify=std and got my first hic-up:
Either fast binaries with -flto, or hardened binaries with -fvtable-verify....
Both together isn't supported, at least with gcc 12.2.1 and binutils 2.39....

I propose an extension to sys-config/ltoize with USE-flag vtv (same as gcc).
As soon as my box is up and running again (may still take a while, I'm posting from my mobile), I can create a PR....

I've got some severe problems with programs written in C using libraries written in C++....
I'm cancelling this....