ImGuiNET / ImGui.NET

An ImGui wrapper for .NET.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Can you provide a nuget package that includes ImGuizmo?

bryanedds opened this issue · comments

When I use the latest ImGuiNET nuget package, I can't find the ImGuizmoNET namespace, which I presume means that the ImGuizmo functionality doesn't come with the package. I'm currently using the Twizzle.ImGui.NET package which does include everything, but is out of date and missing a recent bug fix I need. I also don't see another ImGuizmoNET package from you guys.

Can you guys provide an all-in-one package for users like myself or perhaps instead provide each package separately so I can solve this type of issue with nuget? Right now, I'm cloning this repo and seeing if I can make my own build, but I'd much rather stick to nuget packages instead of distributing my ad hoc ImGuiNET builds with my game engine.