Ilshidur / can-iframe-url

Detect if an url can be included in an iframe by detecting the X-Frame-Options header with a HEAD request.

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About: Catch statement does not catch thrown error

mozgbrasil opened this issue · comments

Good afternoon my friends

I'm using your extension

But one of the URLs is being thrown error even using try / catch, as I do to suppress the error

Catch statement does not catch thrown error

Can you help me please

var url = ''; // Ok
var url = ''; // Z_BUF_ERROR

// console.log('url: ', url);

var includeAllowed = "failed";

try {
  var includeAllowed = await canIframeUrl(url);
} catch (err) {
  console.log("🔴️ err.message: ");
} finally {
  console.log("🔷️ try.finally");

console.log('includeAllowed: ', includeAllowed);

Captura de tela de 2019-10-29 18-09-38


I just tried it on RunKit and I can't reproduce this.

Also, await canIframeUrl('') doesn't throw on my end and returns true.

Can you elaborate please ?

Good Morning

I just did the recommended test and the occurrence really has nothing to do with the extension

I'm sorry for anything