IfnotFr / PopConfirm

A simple action confirmation plugin for jQuery based on Twitter Bootstrap Popover

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PopConfirm doesn't work with Bootstrap 4 and jQuery 3.3.1

bhall7 opened this issue · comments

PopConfirm is currently not working properly in Bootstrap 4 and jQuery 3.3.1. For example, when trying to employ PopConfirm to confirm a form submission, the form does not submit and the result is an un-closable instance of the popover that only goes away when the DOM is refreshed. I'd fix it but I don't know how, and I suspect that it may be due to a change in jQuery.

The Bootstrap 4 changes are easy enough because I think it's mostly just changes to the button names and styling. But, the bigger question is getting forms to submit and removing the popover instance after it is submitted.

I am using:

  • jQuery: 3.3.1
  • Bootstrap: 4.1.3
  • PopConfirm: 0.4.5

My loading order is:

  1. bootstrap.min.css
  2. jquery.min.js
  3. bootstrap.min.js
  4. jquery.popconfirm.js

All is working for me.

Thanks @johnabela for the reply. Hmm, curious that it's working for you. I'll have to do some more fiddling and see if I can share the issue I'm seeing.

I had to modify jquery.popconfirm.js to reflect the accurate button styling, but eventually got it to work with jQuery 3.3.1 and Bootstrap 4.1.3.

Can you share with us the modifications you made to improve the package ? :)

@ifnot - Here is what I did...

Inside the popConfirm: function (options) { I added a new variable/option, after noBtn:'No', called btnColor: 'btn-success' this allows us/me to pass through any different btn color option that bootstrap offers.

Next, within self.popover() the content variable goes from:

content: options.content + '<p class="button-group" style="margin-top: 10px; text-align: center;"><button type="button" class="btn btn-small confirm-dialog-btn-abort">' + options.noBtn + '</button> <button type="button" class="btn btn-small btn-danger confirm-dialog-btn-confirm">' + options.yesBtn + '</button></p>'


content: options.content + '<p class="button-group" style="margin-top: 10px; text-align: center;"><button type="button" class="btn btn-small confirm-dialog-btn-abort">' + options.noBtn + '</button> <button type="button" class="btn btn-small ' + options.btnColor + ' confirm-dialog-btn-confirm">' + options.yesBtn + '</button></p>'

Those are the only changes that I have made.


$("[data-toggle='popConfirmation']").popConfirm({title:"Please Confirm!",content:"Final warning&hellip;",placement:"top",container:"body",yesBtn:"Confirm",noBtn:"Cancel",btnColor:"btn-danger"});

I changed the styling on the buttons to suit my preferences on line 119 to match the new button names in Bootstrap 4. Also, on line 153, I changed .confirm-dialog-btn-abord to .confirm-dialog-btn-abort

@johnabela, does PopConfirm work for you when confirming an action within a modal?

@bhall7 - ugh, do I ever hate bootstrap modals. I avoid them like the plague. But, that said, yep, my updated version (call it, 0.4.6, if you want too) does work with the latest bootstrap/jquery/modal.

Here is a JSFiddle showing it works. With the exception of the button that has the id="popConfirmation" (html line # 17, I think) this is code taken directly from the bootstrap website.

I confirmed it worked in Chrome and Firefox, did not test anything else.

I'm still having issues getting PopConfirm to work for me. On the site I'm working on, the buttons are not appearing:
popconfirm_no buttons

However, I'm unable to replicate the issue on Codeply. I recreated the issue on this Codeply: https://www.codeply.com/go/2BWcRgi8mc I'm now using the following dependencies and updated versions, loading them in the following order:

  • Bootstrap CSS 4.3.1
  • jQuery 3.3.1
  • popper.js 1.14.7
  • Bootstrap 4.3.1
  • PopConfirm 0.4.5

I'm using the following settings for my confirm button, and I can trigger it, but now I don't get any buttons. When I change the placement setting, it reflects the settings properly, I just can't figure out why the buttons are not there:

        title: "Delete Item",
        content: "Are you sure you want to delete this item?",
        placement: "top",
        container: false

When I click on the element in Chrome Dev Tools, it simply doesn't show the buttons at all:
no pop confirm buttons

There are no errors showing up in the console, either.

Any suggestions would be greatly helpful!

UPDATE: The invisible buttons issue appears to be a new issue introduced with Bootstrap 4.3.1, which addressed some XSS issues. When I revert back to Boostratp 4.2.1, the buttons show up just fine:

I recreated the issue in this Codeply: https://www.codeply.com/go/2BWcRgi8mc

In Bootstrap 4.3.1, they introduced a sanitizer for Tooltips and Popovers (https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.3/getting-started/javascript/#sanitizer). To allow buttons and get PopConfirm to work, you need to add the following line to your JavaScript file to whitelist buttons:
$.fn.tooltip.Constructor.Default.whiteList.button = []
I updated the Codeply showing this working. Here's a link to the StackOverflow answer: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54854862/bootstrap-4-3-1-broke-popconfirm/54942434#54942434.