IfnotFr / PopConfirm

A simple action confirmation plugin for jQuery based on Twitter Bootstrap Popover

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Tapping/clicking PopConfirm trigger more than once breaks functionality

bhall7 opened this issue · comments

When tapping or clicking on a button or other item that triggers PopConfirm more than once, it makes the PopConfirm popover flash briefly and then not re-appear when the user tries to re-trigger it.

To re-create the issue, simply click on anything that triggers PopConfirm once, and then once again.

Perhaps the best solution would be to have the trigger object/button toggle the PopConfirm popover.

It look that the bug appear since the Fix #1 . I will take a look, Thanks :)

I changed line 72 from
if (last) ...
if (last && last !== self)
and it got fixed.

That seems to have solved it, auxiliary!

Yep, problem fixed, thanks :)