Idein / chainer-pose-proposal-net

Chainer implementation of Pose Proposal Networks

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pretrain model?

lxy5513 opened this issue · comments


Hello, First thank you code very much , It help a lot.
Could you tell me that is it some pre-trained model available.
In Original Paper, Author use 1000-class imagenet model as resnet18's pre-trained model.
In chainer , are there some similarity pre-train model ?

Hi, thank your comment.

are there some similarity pre-train model ?

I know what you think, but Chainer does not provide pre-trained ResNet18 with ImageNet.
You can only get pre-trained model of ResNet'N' where N is larger than or equals to 50.

Oops, I've forgotten to say, We have a plan to release pre-trained model trained with COCO or MPII in terms of the license. We can enjoy our software without training.


@terasakisatoshi Thanks for your reply.
Can I ask another question? How much of your training model loss(main:loss and validation loss). ?
I trained the model by mobilenet v2 on coco dataset about 520000 iteration. The main loss and validation loss is 32 38respectively . However I think the prediction isn't not enough well .
by the way, I trained another model by mpii dataset and resnet18 after 160000 iteration, the main loss and validation loss get to better result , as below picture show,

Could you can give some advice and tell what's the loss value can get at best state ? Thank you very very much.

@lxy You can check our result at #4 .

@lxy5513 I’m so sorry . I made a mistake Closing issue
Could you provide your config.ini used on training.


@terasakisatoshi sure , this is my config.ini

batchsize / num of gpus equals the batchsize per gpu

batchsize = 22
gpus = main=1
num_process = 8
seed = 0
train_iter = 260000
learning_rate = 0.007

mpii dataset

images = /data/images
annotations = /data/mpii.json
parts_scale = 0.5x0.5
instance_scale = 2.0x2.0
train_size = 0.9
min_num_keypoints = 1

Cache data on training may increase speed of training
If you have rich machine which has more than 64 GB RAM, you may set True.

use_cache = False

coco dataset

train_images = /dataset/train2017
train_annotations = /dataset/annotations/person_keypoints_train2017.json
val_images = /dataset/val2017
val_annotations = /dataset/annotations/person_keypoints_val2017.json
parts_scale = 0.2x0.2
instance_scale = 1.0x1.0
min_num_keypoints = 5


must be mpii or coco

type = coco

dir = /home/ferryliu/MYRCNN/chainer/trained


must be mv2, resnet18, resnet34 or resnet50

model_name = mv2

input image size

insize = 224x224

set W'xH' value. it must be odd values

local_grid_size = 5x5

parameter of mobilenetv2

width_multiplier = 1.0

set weight loss. see original paper for more detail

lambda_resp = 0.25
lambda_iou = 1.0
lambda_coor = 5.0
lambda_size = 5.0
lambda_limb = 0.5

By the way, Do you have some evaluation metric code? some like mAP or PCKh , I have writed a simple method to evaluate that model , but I think it is not enough good.


Thank you for your quick reply.
Uhm... It seems you are using default value.

Did you use docker image we provided?
Otherwise could you tell me which version of Chainer CuPy and your operating system?

We are using Ubuntu 16.04
Chainer 5.0.0
CuPy 5.0.0


Chainer 4.5.0
CuPy 4.5.0

on training.

Do you have some evaluation metric code?

Sorry I couldn't get time to make evaluation code.

You may send PR to help us.


Yes, the model I use default config. another model, I only changed model_param and dataset type.
I am using Ubuntu 16.04
Chainer 5.1.0
CuPy 5.1.0
in my python virtualenv rather than docker

as PR, I am still try to improve that, if OK, maybe I have a chance to commit that to help you。I am just a programmer beginner...

We have a plan bump up version of Chainer. from 5.0.0 to 5.1.0.
I'm going study that training script works fine for the latest version.

as PR, I am still try to improve that, if OK, maybe I have a chance to commit that to help you。

Thank you!


Here is a result of PPN its base is MobileNetV2 trained with COCO.
I used the latest docker image idein/chainer:5.1.0 which contains Chainer 5.1.0 and CuPy 5.1.0.


I believe using docker image solve your problem.

I will share several results generated by



Thanks for your advice and examples.
I confused something about prediction speed, When the model handle video, In my single GTX1080Ti, its runtime can reach up to 115 FPS, however, when i use cpu, the runtime can only reach up 2 FPS, do you the reason? is it normal?


Did you succeed to train?

In my single GTX1080Ti, its runtime can reach up to 115 FPS

Really ? Awesome.

however, when i use cpu, the runtime can only reach up 2 FPS

Uhm...This is strange, Did you install ideep4py ? If you use CPU of Intel, It will increase prediction speed. For Ubuntu user just type

$ pip install ideep4py

is O.K.

  • for my personal Macbook, 12-inch, Early 2015 1.2 GHz Intel Core M. It runs 3 or 4 FPS (This machine does not install ideep4py).
  • for my DELL XPS 9350 Core i7 model with ideep4py, it runs 9 FPS at least.

Hope it helps.


Thanks for you instruction. I am sorry for that It’s been a long time to reply to you. I have been finish that metric code.

Yes, I succeed to train, The result is pretty good, as follow:

afetr install ideep4py

for my Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6850K CPU @ 3.60GHz , it runs 6 FPS.
thank you very much for your advice again

just a moment ago, I finished the metric code, which only support mpii for now. but the mAP only can reach about 30, too low.
This is my code, are there some problem in my metric code?
this is my code:


I use the ideep4py vresion is 2.0.0.post3, could you tell me which version do you use? thank you ~


Nice work! I'm very glad to see your result.
And Thank you for sharing your metric.txt.

I will see your code.

I use the ideep4py vresion is 2.0.0.post3, could you tell me which version do you use?

I'm using same ideep4py of yours.

for my Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6850K CPU @ 3.60GHz , it runs 6 FPS.

I think running will increase inference speed rather than


Thanks for your advice

this my iddep4py version:

Because taht I run code by ssh on remote gpu server, so I cannot use or, This is my simple code that handle video :


Maybe the reason that my inference speed slow is that cpu used for train. when I stop train, the inference speed can reach 8 FPS
by the way, In my mac (3.2 GHz Inter Core i5) without ideep4py
the inference speed also can reach 7 FPS

however, In my Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6850K CPU @ 3.60GHz
sometime the speed sudden get show suddenly,
say in other words,that intel64.is_ideep_available() == False
I really don't know why.
I have to change another virtualenv, and install relative packages again.

We will close this issue because out discussion is out of title.
We are going to provide pre-trained model (see Issue #7)
If someone has question, please submit another issue. Thank you.