IS4Code / PawnPlus

A SA-MP plugin enhancing the capabilities of the Pawn programming language

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Linux crash

Ino-Bagaric opened this issue · comments

Hi, I've tried and from the release page but getting a crash, also I tried to compile it on my server, but still getting the same output

[19:26:29]  Loading plugin:
[19:26:29] [debug] Server crashed due to an unknown error
[19:26:29] [debug] Native backtrace:
[19:26:29] [debug] #0 f7acf8b6 in _Z13GetStackTraceRSt6vectorI10StackFrameSaIS0_EEPv () in plugins/
[19:26:29] [debug] #1 f7ac7120 in _ZN18CrashDetectHandler20PrintNativeBacktraceERSoRKN2os7ContextE () in plugins/
[19:26:29] [debug] #2 f7ac7886 in _ZN18CrashDetectHandler20PrintNativeBacktraceERKN2os7ContextE () in plugins/
[19:26:29] [debug] #3 f7ac7f96 in _ZN18CrashDetectHandler7OnCrashERKN2os7ContextE () in plugins/
[19:26:29] [debug] #4 f7acef82 in ?? () in plugins/
[19:26:29] [debug] #5 f7f56070 in __kernel_rt_sigreturn () in
[19:26:29] [debug] #6 f5d69045 in subhook_install () in plugins/
[19:26:29] [debug] #7 f5cbe8f8 in _ZN5Hooks8RegisterEv () in plugins/
[19:26:29] [debug] #8 f5cf9540 in Load () in plugins/
[19:26:29] [debug] #9 080d2742 in ?? () in ./samp03svr
[19:26:29] [debug] #10 080d2afa in ?? () in ./samp03svr
[19:26:29] [debug] #11 080aa0d0 in ?? () in ./samp03svr
[19:26:29] [debug] #12 f7b114d9 in __libc_start_main () in /lib/
[19:26:29] [debug] #13 0804b4e1 in ?? () in ./samp03svr
[19:26:29] [debug] Registers:
[19:26:29] [debug] EAX: 00000000 EBX: f5e64000 ECX: 00000000 EDX: f5e69b78
[19:26:29] [debug] ESI: f5e69618 EDI: 0a09fe40 EBP: ffb467f8 ESP: ffb46798
[19:26:29] [debug] EIP: f5d69045 EFLAGS: 00010296
[19:26:29] [debug] Stack:
[19:26:29] [debug] ESP+00000000: f5e64000 f5cbe8f8 00000000 f5cc0770
[19:26:29] [debug] ESP+00000020: f5e69b8c f5cf9540 f5cf94f7 0815abd0
[19:26:29] [debug] ESP+00000040: ffb46930 f7b798ef ffb46820 ffb46930
[19:26:29] [debug] ESP+00000060: ffb46a58 080d2afa 0a08d9a0 ffb46820
[19:26:29] [debug] ESP+00000080: 00000000 0a08d9a0 67756c70 2f736e69
[19:26:29] [debug] ESP+000000a0: 6f732e63 00000000 00000000 00000000
[19:26:29] [debug] ESP+000000c0: 00000000 ffb468f0 0a08ace0 0a08d980
[19:26:29] [debug] ESP+000000e0: 00000007 0a08d940 ffb468e0 ffb468f0
[19:26:29] [debug] ESP+00000100: ffb468f0 f7e05efc 0a08d850 f7c9b000
[19:26:29] [debug] ESP+00000120: f7f1ca04 f7e504ac 0a08d980 00000001
[19:26:29] [debug] ESP+00000140: 0a08d850 0809fbc4 0a08d96c ffb46900
[19:26:29] [debug] ESP+00000160: ffb46940 0a08bc40 0a08d980 00000101
[19:26:29] [debug] ESP+00000180: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[19:26:29] [debug] ESP+000001a0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[19:26:29] [debug] ESP+000001c0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000a00
[19:26:29] [debug] ESP+000001e0: 00000ec0 0a08d998 000004bc 00000a00
[19:26:29] [debug] ESP+00000200: 00000120 0000012c 00000044 00000000
[19:26:29] [debug] ESP+00000220: 00000002 00000007 00000000 0a08513c
[19:26:29] [debug] ESP+00000240: 00000000 00000077 0000004d 00000013
[19:26:29] [debug] ESP+00000260: 00000000 f7c9b000 000004bc 000004bf
[19:26:29] [debug] ESP+00000280: 00000009 0a08d930 00000003 00000002
[19:26:29] [debug] ESP+000002a0: ffb46b98 f7e084ab 000004bc 00000000
[19:26:29] [debug] ESP+000002c0: ffb46b98 080aa0d0 0a08d9a0 08159c2b
[19:26:29] [debug] ESP+000002e0: f7f1c454 00000000 ffb46a98 f7eb18ba
[19:26:29] [debug] ESP+00000300: f7f1fcb4 01008460 00010100 00001e61
[19:26:29] [debug] ESP+00000320: 08003531 f7e788a0 f7f1ca04 f7f1ca04
[19:26:29] [debug] ESP+00000340: f7b28f6d f7c9e588 f7c9b000 00000000
[19:26:29] [debug] ESP+00000360: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[19:26:29] [debug] ESP+00000380: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[19:26:29] [debug] ESP+000003a0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[19:26:29] [debug] ESP+000003c0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[19:26:29] [debug] ESP+000003e0: f7f7ffb4 f7b29149 f7f67970 00000000
[19:26:29] [debug] Loaded modules:
[19:26:29] [debug] 00000000 - 00187dc3 samp03svr
[19:26:29] [debug] f7f55000 - f7f56246
[19:26:29] [debug] f7f42000 - f7f44f30 /lib/
[19:26:29] [debug] f7f21000 - f7f4069b /lib/
[19:26:29] [debug] f7d8e000 - f7f2cb1c /lib/
[19:26:29] [debug] f7cbc000 - f7d8d52c /lib/
[19:26:29] [debug] f7c9f000 - f7cba594 /lib/
[19:26:29] [debug] f7af7000 - f7ca551f /lib/
[19:26:29] [debug] f7f57000 - f7f8078c /lib/
[19:26:29] [debug] f7ab0000 - f7af43ac plugins/
[19:26:29] [debug] f771f000 - f7ab4eb2 plugins/
[19:26:29] [debug] f76fb000 - f771ed32 /home/games/samp/test_server/samp03/plugins/../
[19:26:29] [debug] f76f1000 - f76f9020 /lib/
[19:26:29] [debug] f66db000 - f66ed488 /lib/
[19:26:29] [debug] f661d000 - f66db39a plugins/
[19:26:29] [debug] f660d000 - f661c40c plugins/
[19:26:29] [debug] f641b000 - f65033e9 plugins/
[19:26:29] [debug] f6332000 - f641e778 plugins/
[19:26:29] [debug] f630c000 - f63303cd plugins/
[19:26:29] [debug] f61ff000 - f630d79b plugins/
[19:26:29] [debug] f5ab2000 - f5e829c6 plugins/

Hi, please post your server version and the OS (distribution, core etc.).

Hi, thanks for the quick reply!

SAMP server: 0.3.7-R2 (latest)

vps server:
from /etc/os-release

NAME="CentOS Linux"
VERSION="8 (Core)"
ID_LIKE="rhel fedora"
PRETTY_NAME="CentOS Linux 8 (Core)"


from: /proc/version

Linux version 4.18.0-147.3.1.el8_1.x86_64 ( (gcc version 8.3.1 20190507 (Red Hat 8.3.1-4) (GCC)) #1 SMP Fri Jan 3 23:55:26 UTC 2020

Is there anything else you might need?


Seems almost the same to one of the servers I have; I will test the plugin there.

In the meantime, can you test if it works without other plugins, and perhaps prepare an example server installation that I could download and try?

Alright, I will prepare it right now on small example, I'll let you know soon

#include <a_samp>
#include <PawnPlus>
#include <strlib>


main() {

    new Map:m = map_new();
    map_str_add(m, "FirstKey", 555);
    map_str_add(m, "AnotherKey", 420);
    map_str_add(m, "Something", 415647);
    map_str_add(m, "Test", 486541);

    for (new Iter:i = map_iter(m); iter_inside(i); iter_move_next(i)) {
        new key[24];
        new value;

        iter_get_key_arr_safe(i, key);
        iter_get_value_safe(i, value);

        printf("%s => %d", key, value);

    printf(" -> %d", map_size(m));
    m = map_new();

        {"product 1",   50},
        {"product 2", 100},
        {"cigs",    30},
        {"weed",     35}

    new List:myList = list_new();

    for (new i = 0; i < sizeof(PRODUCTS); i++) {
        //list_add_arr(myList, PRODUCTS[i]);
        list_add_str(myList, sprintf("%d|%s", PRODUCTS[i][bpDefaultPrice], PRODUCTS[i][bpName]));

    for (new i = 0; i < list_size(myList); i++) {
        new data[32];
        list_get_arr(myList, i, data);

        new final[2][32];
        strexplode(final, data, "|");
        printf("Item: %s Price: %d", final[1], strval(final[0]));

Using only pawnplus plugin, getting the same output .. :/ that's an example you can try


Cannot reproduce, can you prepare an archive with the whole installation? I mean the server binary, all plugins etc.

This crashes during the hook initialization phase, which is something that could be better directed to subhook.

Here it is, if you meant this, there's even server_log from the first try

Quick update: I have also tried to run it in the docker container

Failed (/usr/lib32/ version 'GLIBCXX_3.4.21' not found (required by plugins/

then I tried on the debian:stretch
where I get the same output as before on centos

on the ubuntu:latest same

on the ubuntu:xenial
Failed (/usr/lib32/ version 'GLIBCXX_3.4.22' not found (required by plugins/

Even if I just try to use plugins without including it in gamemode at all, still the same, even in docker containers

Another update here: I switched server to debian 8, and everything is working as it should!
so, probably centos 8 has some issues


Can you check the v1.3.1 if you still have access to the original platform?

Unfortunately, I don't have access to it anymore