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Simplify thumbnail handling code and swap the image generation library

stevenwinship opened this issue · comments

Two thing need to happen here:

  1. Simplify the thumbnail generation code. There needs to be a more tight set of methods for getting and generating thumbnails. It seems as though the code was written over time with multiple ways of getting/creating thumbnails.
  2. The current thumbnail creation code fails to generate images for some TIFF files, even though the file sizes are grater than 0 bytes the thumbnails, when resized, come back as 0 bytes. It was subjected to switch to ImageMagick.

What kind of user is the feature intended for?
intended for all users

What inspired the request?
Bugs in TIFF thumbnail generation

What existing behavior do you want changed?
More thumbnails being generated instead of generic images

Any brand new behavior do you want to add to Dataverse? No

Any open or closed issues related to this feature request?


I considered closing the older one in favor of this new one but I like how the title of the older one says "handle all favors of TIFF" and I'm not sure what the scope of this new issue should be.

Maybe we can discuss further and decide on the scope.

@pdurbin did you mean to reference a different issue above?
There is a recently opened #10351 that I just mentioned in #10509.

But, we can definitely use this new issue to handle it and close all the duplicates in favor of it.

Whoops, yes, I meant that this issue is very similar:

(I just fixed my comment above)

Please feel free to consolidate and delete these noisy comments from me! 😅