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Ongoing production DevOps tasks for the next sprint starting March 14

landreev opened this issue · comments

Last sprint I kind of slacked on adding things to the spreadsheet. Will add a few this week.
One low effort, but important thing on my list r/n: contact LTS about the plans for the prod. servers upgrade (the current version of RedHat is EOL in July). We should get them to beef up the instances in the process, in terms of CPU/memory.

(will cc: everybody)

My understanding is that this "ongoing is devops stuff" is by design for tracking small stuff that would not warrant their own issues.
The ongoing search engine performance issues in prod. is NOT such "small stuff" - it's a serious issue on its own.

@landreev I agree.


  • Closing for end of sprint.
  • @landreev will create a new one for the start of the next sprint