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Load updated custom CAFE metadata block (displayname changed from "Metadata About Data Location" to "Metadata About Geospatial Files") to demo and prod

jggautier opened this issue · comments

Our contact for the CAFE collection let us know that depositors found the name of the custom metadata block, "Metadata About Data Location", confusing, taking it to mean "metadata about where the data are stored," when it should be metadata about where the data was collected or what the data is about.

He asked us to change the name of the metadata block, that is, the "displayName" entered in the metadata block's TSV file, to Metadata About Geospatial Files.

So in place of "Metadata About Data Location" in this panel on the dataset page:
Screenshot 2024-02-21 at 12 46 20 PM

It would be "Metadata About Geospatial Files".

@jggautier are you working on this? If not, I think @cmbz would agree that this could be a good issue for @Saixel.

I'm going to go ahead and give it a size of 3.

I'm working on it but I wouldn't be able to make the change, which I think involves admin-level API calls. Coordinating with @Saixel sounds great to me!

@jggautier sounds good. Please request a review from @Saixel after you make a pull request so he can see the change.

He won't have access to prod though. So getting it into prod should go through the normal process.

Thanks. I've added this issue to the backlog Sprint Ready and the main CAFE tracking issue, too: IQSS/dataverse-pm#161

Hmm, I haven't used pull requests in this repo. In the customCAFEDataLocation.tsv and files I changed the displayName of the metadata block to "Metadata About Geospatial Files".

@Saixel, could you review the history of those changes?

@Saixel please read through the following:

Then, please load the older version of the tsv to observe the old display name.

Then, please load the newer version to make sure it changed.

This is all new to you, so please reach out in Slack with questions! Thanks!

I've followed the discussed steps and conducted the necessary tests. I created the customCAFEDataLocation.tsv and files based on @jggautier's modifications. I've tested the functionality as required, executing both the old version of the TSV file and then the new one to ensure that the name updates without any issues @pdurbin

OK, after reviewing with @jggautier and @Saixel, seems like the remaining step is to load these into demo and prod. So I'm going to retitle this for that remaining task, and move back to This Sprint.

Let's do demo firs,t have @jggautier or @Saixel check to make sure it looks correct, then load into prod.

Updated in prod.
Just want to double-check before installing the blocks on demo - do we actually need them there? The CAFE blocks are not installed on demo as of now.

I think the idea was to put it on Demo Dataverse first so that @Saixel or I could make sure the change is what we expect. And if it is, then someone could load it into Harvard Dataverse.

I just checked and the change on Harvard Dataverse is what I expected, so I don't think it needs to be added to Demo Dataverse. Maybe that first step wasn't needed at all since it's a small change; not much context needed to make sure the change happened the way we expected and maybe it's easy to reverse if something went wrong?

Oh, sorry, I didn't get that. Yeah, since it was just a label, probably ok to skip the testing stage.

Going forward, when a block is ready to be installed (in prod. or demo), feel free to just ping me on slack (or Steven if I'm not around). It really doesn't take any time at all.

OK to close this?

Hmm, I'd say wait to hear from @Saixel. I think he's more aware of CAFE project-related things 👍

@jggautier ok if I put your name on this, so that you could close it once they confirm (or give it back to me if there are problems)?

Everything okay, we can close this!