IQSS / dataverse-jenkins

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script to delete files in /tmp from different user

pdurbin opened this issue · comments

Until IQSS/dataverse#5885 is fixed properly I'm wondering if I can have a script to run as a non-privileged user (e.g. "pdurbin") on to delete files created by other users (e.g. "jenkins") in /tmp such as these:


I'm not sure how many there are, to be honest.

To make this a little more concrete, I think what I want is for something like sudo to delete the files, as in the example below.

[pdurbin@gdcc-jenkins dataverse]$ ./ 
rm: remove write-protected regular file ‘/tmp/dvjsonld.json’? y
rm: cannot remove ‘/tmp/dvjsonld.json’: Operation not permitted
rm: remove write-protected regular file ‘/tmp/sitemap.xml’? y
rm: cannot remove ‘/tmp/sitemap.xml’: Operation not permitted
rm: remove write-protected regular file ‘/tmp/sushi_sample_logs.json’? y
rm: cannot remove ‘/tmp/sushi_sample_logs.json’: Operation not permitted
[pdurbin@gdcc-jenkins dataverse]$ 
[pdurbin@gdcc-jenkins dataverse]$ sudo 
[sudo] password for pdurbin: 
pdurbin is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.
[pdurbin@gdcc-jenkins dataverse]$ cat 
rm /tmp/dvjsonld.json
rm /tmp/sitemap.xml
rm /tmp/sushi_sample_logs.json
[pdurbin@gdcc-jenkins dataverse]$

Jenkins is whirring away, so I've disabled this script. Closing.