IQSS / dataverse-frontend

An upcoming and modernized UI for Dataverse

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Complete UI Working Group Landing Page

ekraffmiller opened this issue · comments

For the Community Meeting, we want to complete and publish the UI Working Group landing page.
I created an issue in the repository for this page: gdcc/

Notes for Reviewer: I didn't create a PR for this issue, but the website can be reviewed here: Any suggested changes/improvements to the site are welcome. If there is a lot to change, maybe we can create an issue in the website repository, otherwise it can be discussed here.

Looks good to me! I think my only suggestion to pick either "frontend" or "front end" and stick with it.

Agreed! Thanks for noticing that, I was trying to be consistent. I will go with frontend, because that's what I type when I'm not thinking about it :)

Looks good now! Closing.

@ekraffmiller et al., one last thing, I just created a pull request to update the list of working/interest groups: