IQSS / dataverse-docker

Dataverse 6.2 on Docker with integrated services called "Archive in a box" and could be used both as demo and production system and easily integrated with other services.

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Question about updating Dataverse

schorcht-ioer opened this issue · comments

Dear Devs,

today we tested updating Dataverse from v.5.10 to 5.11.1, which worked without any problems. All datasets, accounts and customizations (e.g. CustomLogo) have been preserved, which is very good :)

However, we noticed that older versions, such as 5.2, could not be easily updated to 5.11.1, because the structure of the yml-file had changed a lot. We had adjusted the war-files and the versions, but dataverse could not be started afterwards (after the update 5.2 --> 5.11.1).

Therefore we would like to know if future versions can also be updated as easily as the last ones? At least we would appreciate if you could provide update instructions in case of fundamental changes.

Thanks a lot, martin

HI @schorcht-ioer, versions before 5.3 were running on old version of Payara, it's upgraded now.

ah ok, thanks for the quick feedback, @4tikhonov . Maybe we had overlooked something when customizing the yml-file, which is why it didn't work.

we have tested again updating from 5.2 to 5.11.1 and now it works (:
(we had set a wrong value at POSTGRES_DB)