IQSS / dataverse-docker

Dataverse 6.2 on Docker with integrated services called "Archive in a box" and could be used both as demo and production system and easily integrated with other services.

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Problem when change the image logo

KhoaBuind opened this issue · comments

I have tried to upload file in this page, but the path image not found. Can you help me to fix it.
Screenshot 2022-11-30 at 00 06 21

Thank you

Probably Dataverse container has no permissions to save images for docroot, is it on persistent volume with appropriate permissions?

Thank you for your reply.
But i dont think so about this, because when i check file inside the docker, i also see the file when i upload via web browser
Screenshot 2022-11-30 at 07 59 00
I think it wrong path, because when i copy this file to path: "/opt/docroot" it will be work
Screenshot 2022-11-30 at 08 01 30

I have the same problem.... thank you @KhoaBuind for providing a workaround! I will use that until the solution is patched-in.

Thanks @markwilkinson, we'll try to fix this issue asap.

(by the way... great job in creating such a straightforward way to deploy Dataverse! It was effortless! Thank you!)

Thanks @markwilkinson! It's even more than Dataverse as the whole infrastructure is quite flexible and ready for the straight forward integration of any Dockerized (and not only) servers.

Provavelmente, o contêiner Dataverse não tem permissões para salvar imagens para docroot, está no volume persistente com as permissões apropriadas?

i have same problem. How can I give permission on the volume @4tikhonov @KhoaBuind

we had similar problems when restarting the server. After restart the logos are gone. Based on the scripts of the norwegians (see: we found out that the volume path is not correct anymore and thats why the logos are not persistent. So we changed in the yaml-file this:


to this:
