IQSS / dataverse-docker

Dataverse 6.2 on Docker with integrated services called "Archive in a box" and could be used both as demo and production system and easily integrated with other services.

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pkiraly opened this issue · comments

It seems like the README has not been updated for the Dataverse 5 release. There are three things I think needs some improvements

  1. at least in Docker compose v1.25.4, the following command doesn't work
    ´docker-compose up -f docker-compose-local.yml´
    the -f parameter and up command should be changed:
    ´docker-compose -f docker-compose-local.yml up´

  2. the README says it runs 3 container, solr, dataverse and db. For me it runs 5 containers: dataverse, solr, postgres, dataverse-docker_reverse-proxy_1, and whoami.

  3. README doesn't mention the URL(s) of the service

Thanks, @pkiraly. README will be updated soon as we're planning Dataverse release with external controlled vocabularies support.

@4tikhonov Please do not forget about this ticket. Those who are not familiar with docker, just follow the instructions, will have a running syszem without knowing how to access it.

I am using podman to install dataverse-docker and i am trying to follow up the instructions on the
all i did is pull traefik,solr,postgres.dataverse-docker images and then run them
i need more details on how shall i proceed, to connect the containers with the network ,plus i don't use docker compose so what should i do

I am total beginner ,let's say it's my first time using traefik as well as podman


@RAHMAHAMMA, can you probably start with docker-compose first, it's very easy to get the whole network and all components installed and used as a reference?

what is its alternative with podman ?

do i have to do this after having podman3
the steps of docker don't count since i am using podman

@RAHMAHAMMA, depends. You probably don't even need traefik if you're not going to expose Dataverse outside on some URL. It's mostly for networking.

@RAHMAHAMMA, if you run 'docker-compose up -d' and wait for a few minutes, Dataverse should be available on localhost:8080.

after running docker-compose up
Can't find a suitable configuration file in this directory or any
parent. Are you in the right directory?

    Supported filenames: docker-compose.yml, docker-compose.yaml

@RAHMAHAMMA, it looks like you're running docker-compose up from the wrong folder.
Try this steps:
git clone
cd dataverse-docker
docker-compose up -d

Wait for some time and check localhost:8080

@4tikhonov it seems like i dunno where to specify the value of "traefikhost" ,like where to put this line export traefikhost=localhost or this one export useremail=mymail

@RAHMAHAMMA, just do it in your bash environment or put it in .profile or .bash_rc:
export traefikhost
export useremail

@4tikhonov i want to customize this web-app,like change its html css js files

@RAHMAHAMMA, you have to change the application, it's packaged as .war file. See @IQSS/dataverse

@4tikhonov ,how can i delete this use of the address needed so that it will be free to use again
ERROR: for solr Cannot start service solr: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint solr (0cfd63e281d77c6a45605c9f0388f1b57e7ed59aa5b37a069eedbad060cae6bb): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp bind: address already in use

Run 'docker-compose down' to stop the infra, and start with 'docker-compose up -d' again if you need to get it back online.

@4tikhonov ,after running this ,the localhost interface is all blink

[root@localhost dataverse-docker]# docker-compose up -d
WARNING: The useremail variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
WARNING: Some services (minio) use the 'deploy' key, which will be ignored. Compose does not support 'deploy' configuration - use docker stack deploy to deploy to a swarm.
Creating dataverse-docker_reverse-proxy_1 ... done
Creating postgres ... done
Creating whoami ... done
Creating solr ... done
Creating dataverse-docker_minio_1 ... done
Creating dataverse ... done
[root@localhost dataverse-docker]# curl http://localhost:8080

It takes a few minutes before everything will be deployed. You can check logs by running:
docker logs -f dataverse

@4tikhonov ,can u please explain more about how can i customize the interface of what i just did install ?
like if i do cd dataverse-docker ,where can i go exactly to find the conserned files html css js

@RAHMAHAMMA, you have to go inside of Dataverse container and find them:
"docker exec -it dataverse /bin/bash"
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