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CRAN check errors

kuriwaki opened this issue · comments

Two checks failing currently at

From CRAN:

  1. persistently

    Error: The API token expired on 2023-01-01, so the tests would
    probably fail. Please regenerate a new token and update

  2. Transiently

    --- re-building ‘B-search.Rmd’ using rmarkdown
    Quitting from lines 21-24 (B-search.Rmd)
    Error: processing vignette ‘B-search.Rmd’ failed with diagnostics:
    Internal Server Error (HTTP 500). Failed to Exception running
    search for [Gary King] with filterQueries [dvObjectType:(dataverses OR
    datasets OR files), ] and paginationStart [0]: Internal Dataverse
    Search Engine Error org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException
    org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException: Timeout occurred while
    waiting response from server at: Read
    timed out .
    --- failed re-building ‘B-search.Rmd’

For some reason the new token I got and submitted for v0.3.12 had an expiration date in March 2023, so now the tests are failing again at CRAN after only two months. CRAN gave me a deadline to fix this by March 27.

I can fix this again with a token that lasts till 2024-03-13, but I wonder if it is better to try and skip even this expiration check for CRAN, like we do for all the tests. @wibeasley what do you think? I wonder if we can put skip_on_cran() in the testthat/testthat.R root file, which is what's failing now. Even a once-a-year update now feels like a liability to keep this package on CRAN.

Log. Currently on:

Version: 0.3.12
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
     Running ‘testthat.R’ [1s/1s]
    Running the tests in ‘tests/testthat.R’ failed.
    Complete output:
     > library("testthat")
     > library("dataverse")
     > if (!requireNamespace("yaml", quietly = TRUE)) {
     + warning("The 'yaml' package must be present to test the dataverse package.")
     + } else if (!requireNamespace("checkmate", quietly = TRUE)) {
     + warning("The 'checkmate' package must be present to test the dataverse package.")
     + } else {
     + server <- Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER")
     + key <- Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_KEY")
     + if (server == "" | key == "") {
     + config <- yaml::read_yaml(system.file("constants.yml", package = "dataverse"))
     + # config <- yaml::read_yaml("inst/constants.yml")
     + Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER" = config$server)
     + Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_KEY" = config$api_token)
     + # To better identify the source of problems, check if the token is expired.
     + # This check *should* be unnecessary on CRAN, since not CRAN tests should
     + # try to access any server.
     + if (Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN") %in% c("", "true")) {
     + if (as.Date(config$api_token_expiration) < Sys.Date()) {
     + stop(
     + "The API token expired on `",
     + config$api_token_expiration,
     + "`, so the tests would probably fail. ",
     + "Please regenerate a new token and update `inst/constants.yml`"
     + )
     + }
     + }
     + rm(config)
     + }
     + rm(server, key)
     + message("Using Dataverse server `", Sys.getenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER"), "`.")
     + test_check("dataverse")
     + }
     Error: The API token expired on `2023-03-10`, so the tests would probably fail. Please regenerate a new token and update `inst/constants.yml`
     Execution halted
  1. Your overall point makes sense. Of all the tests in the package, this is the only one I see that doesn't depend on hitting the demo server.

    standarize_string <- function (x, start = 1, stop = nchar(x)) {

  2. I don't understand that specific error message. The value I see is "2023-01-01"

    api_token_expiration: "2023-01-01"
    , which is referenced on this line the file you linked to:
    So the message about "2023-03-10" confuses me. I don't see any other instances of "2023" in the repository today:

Thank you @wibeasley.

From the log, I think the error is coming from testthat/testthat.R

# To better identify the source of problems, check if the token is expired.
# This check *should* be unnecessary on CRAN, since not CRAN tests should
# try to access any server.
if (Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN") %in% c("", "true")) {

rather than a specific test function. Do you know why this part might get evaluated and throw an error in CRAN's server even though we have Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN")?

I will also put a skip_if_cran() on standardize_string(), but that function does not use any dataverse functions.

For your point 2, I think the issue is that the version on CRAN right now is the package from the dev branch, rather than master.

Do you know why this part might get evaluated

No, and that's tricky to debug. It's not like we can play with different version.

I can see how CRAN changes some environmental subtly (eg, it used to be "CRAN" but now it's "cran"). But I can't see how/why something on CRAN would set "NOT_CRAN".

Oh wait, I think this comment helps:

  • skip_on_cran() skips on CRAN (using the NOT_CRAN env var set by devtools and friends).

I'm interpreting that this variable is set only if testthat/devtools is the one starting the test. So if you don't want it running on CRAN, change it to if (Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN") == "true") {

That sounds like the same as what we had (if (Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN") %in% c("", "true"))), but this is helpful. In the dev branch in the above commit I have used identical to match it up with the testthat code, and also loaded the devtools package since from the description NOT_CRAN gets set by devtools.

I plan to re-submit it to CRAN as v.0.3.13 tomorrow. The Github Actions checks now all pass!