IQSS / dataverse-client-javascript

A Dataverse client for JavaScript and TypeScript

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Add the publicationDate, citationDate as part of the Dataset object

MellyGray opened this issue · comments

Overview of the feature request

Add the publicationDate and the citationDate as part of the dataset object

What inspired the request?

As part of the Citation Metadata we need to display in the frontend the publicationDate and the citationDate if applies. The js-dataverse module is currently retrieving the releaseDate, which is usually the publicationDate, but after carefully checking the JSF code I found that the publicationDate is not always the releaseDate and there is some logic associated to this field.

So I believe that this logic shouldn't be handled in the frontend but in the backend, so any new frontend or backend using the js-dataverse module can read these values publicationDate and citationDate without having to generate again this logic.

I'm open to discussion, so let me know if there is a good reason to do this in the frontend and we can move this issue to the frontend repo

What existing behavior do you want changed?


Any brand new behavior do you want to add to js-dataverse?

Add 2 fields to the dataset object, publicationDate and citationDate

Any open or closed issues related to this feature request?