IQSS / dataverse-client-javascript

A Dataverse client for JavaScript and TypeScript

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Timing issue in FilesRepository.test.ts

ekraffmiller opened this issue · comments

Because of a timing issue, sometimes the integration test for FilesRepository fails, due to an OptimisticLockException. This is happening in my local environment, but not in the Github action. I tried it in the develop branch, and also

Edit (11/01) - Guillermo:

The error also occurs in the GitHub action:

From PR: #99

Edit (11/02) - Guillermo:

I have a failure also on my localhost.

To reproduce, build the library then run:
npm run test:integration

Attached is the error output:

I've decided to temporarily skip this test in the code until we fix it to avoid breaking the package build and GPR push in the GitHub action @ekraffmiller.