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testthat new release issue

christophergandrud opened this issue · comments

From Hadley via email:

This is an automated email to let you know that:

  • A new version of testthat is ready to go to CRAN. testthat is
    currently at version and will become 2.0.0 upon release.

  • Zelig uses testthat and has problems with the new version.

  • We plan to submit testthat to CRAN on Nov 13.

I need your help to keep Zelig and testthat working together smoothly.
In the next month, can you please:

  1. Read about the changes to testthat at
    This page includes a list of breaking changes, the reasoning behind
    them, and to how to update your code.

  2. Carefully inspect the failing checks listed at the bottom of this email.

  3. For each failing check, either update your package, or tell me
    that I have a bug. If you have made changes to your package, please
    submit an update to CRAN before Nov 13.

If you have discovered a bug in testthat, please file an issue
(ideally with a small reprex that illustrates the problem) at If you're not sure whether
or not you've found a bug, please an issue and we'll help you figure
it out.


Hadley Wickham

== CHECK RESULTS ========================================

*   checking tests ...
    Running the tests intests/testthat.Rfailed.
    Last 13 lines of output:
                mean         sd       50%      2.5%     97.5%
      [1,] 0.6990619 0.09467077 0.7081549 0.5028567 0.8603348
              0    1
      [1,] 0.31 0.69
                 mean        sd        50%      2.5%       97.5%
      [1,] -0.2377065 0.1148547 -0.2380952 -0.466211 -0.01659926
      testthat results
      OK: 1273 SKIPPED: 0 FAILED: 1
      1. Error: REQUIRE TEST survey weights correctly passed

      Error: testthat unit tests failed
      Execution halted