IOIO72 / alfred-pi-hole

An Alfred workflow to control Pi-hole quickly.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

SSHPASS Missing on MacOS

Wit4r7 opened this issue · comments


I want to say thank you in the first place! This workflow helps a lot.

I just had a problem on my Mac the sshpass was (and still is) not installed.
When debugging the workflow I got the following errorSTDERR: Pi-hole[Run Script] (eval):1: no such file or directory: /usr/local/bin/sshpass

You can install the program via Brew

I simply copied my ssh cert to the pi and use certification-based login. Works as aspected.

Instead of using a hotkey, I use keywords to trigger the workflow. So, I don't need to remember the shortcurts and save time entering "pihole" and selecting the wanted action.

kind regards,

Hi Wit4r7,

thank you very much for your feedback.

Do I understand you correctly that everything works for you now without any problems? I honestly didn't quite understand if there is anything to improve about the workflow.

Is it about that the workflow should test if the sshpass command exists?

Kind regards,
Tamio 🙂