IEEE-VIT / django-todo

A simple To-Do-List App using a Django Backend and HTML, CSS, JS, Django-Templating-Language frontend (Server-Side)

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Create an Index HTML file

SameeranB opened this issue · comments

Create an HTML file named Index.html that has the following attributes:


  • Has a welcome slogan
  • Has the option to either Sign Up or Log In
  • Sign Up redirects to the URL name = signup and Log In redirects to the URL name = login

This file goes inside templates/Main directory

@SameeranB I would like to work on this issue, but I am new to Python and following the Getting started steps in the project README I have a problem with step 1 $ pip install -r requirements.txt because there is no requirements.txt file in the project folder.
Any pointers to what I might be doing wrong or is a new issue needed to create the requirements.txt file too?

@SameeranB I would like to work on this issue, but I am new to Python and following the Setting started steps in the project README I have a problem with step 1 $ pip install -r requirements.txt because there is no requirements.txt file in the project folder.
Any pointers to what I might be doing wrong or is a new issue needed to create the requirements.txt file too?

Hey @dickyw71 , glad to know that someone is trying Python out. The absence of the requirements.txt was a mistake on our part, it has been resolved. Do check it out!

Steps I have taken:

  1. I git cloned the project:
    git clone
  2. I created a new python 3.7 virtual env in a separate directory at the same level as the project directory thus:
mkdir Django_To_Do_env && cd Django_To_Do_env
python3 -m venv env
  1. I activated the new virtual environment with source Django_To_Do_env/env/bin/activate
  2. Then I ran pip install -r requirements.txt which returned
    Could not open requirements file: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'requirements.txt'

Hey @dickyw71 , glad to know that someone is trying Python out. The absence of the requirements.txt was a mistake on our part, it has been resolved. Do check it out!

Ok @SameeranB, I pulled in the new file am carrying on, thanks.

@SameeranB, just to clarify, the templates/Main directories do not exist right now. So I will create those directories too as well as the Index.html file?

@dickyw71 yes, you are meant to create the Main folder under templates

Can I take this issue?

I would like to take this issue.