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Pagebreak in Children's Literature

michael-roe opened this issue · comments

In the Children's Literature example, the page break for pages 197, 212, 229 and 255 (and not the other pages) do not have the page number inside the span tags. The other page breaks do.

I assume this is just a mistake, rather than a test of how e-readers handle page breaks with optional elements present and absent.

I wouldn't follow any of the samples for page breaks to be honest. They're pretty dated now.

There are two ways you can better mark the breaks using the ARIA role attribute. One is with the name from contents:

<span role="doc-pagebreak" id="p123">123</span>

And the other is from the accessible name calculation using the aria-label or title attributes:

<span role="doc-pagebreak" id="p123" aria-label="123"/>

You can always add the epub:type attribute, as well, but it's not likely to add any functionality in reading systems. With ARIA role, assistive technologies can process either approach.

For further information, DAISY Knowledge Base :)

Thanks for the reply!

I was using the example to test whether e-readers supported the feature. When I create an ebook, I was intending to use something like
<span role="doc-pagebreak" id="p123" aria-label="123"></span>

Reading systems are more likely to use the page list than the page breaks in the content.