IBM / openapi-to-graphql

Translate APIs described by OpenAPI Specifications (OAS) into GraphQL

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Webpack5 doesn't work due to 'debug' named export

DanailPenev opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
Using the openapi-to-graphql library in projects using webpack 5 throws a runtime error due to issues with CommonJS/ESM. This is similar to the issue observed in other libraries, e.g. graphql/graphql-js#2721 or

To Reproduce

  • Add openapi-to-graphql to a project using webpack 5
  • Call createGraphQLSchema
  • Try opening the page triggering this behaviour
  • You should see an error in the console

Expected behavior

  • createGraphQLSchema should work as expected

Error log

CommonJS modules can always be imported via the default export, for example using:
import pkg from 'debug';
const { debug: debug$1 } = pkg;
error - unhandledRejection: SyntaxError: Named export 'debug' not found. The requested module 'debug' is a CommonJS module, which may not support all module.exports as named exports.
CommonJS modules can always be imported via the default export, for example using:
import pkg from 'debug';
const { debug: debug$1 } = pkg;

Additional context
This seems to have been introduced in openapi-to-graphql 2.5.0. More specifically I suspect that it was this commit 74d7163

Removing the exports object from the package.json has worked as a temporary solution for me.

@DanailPenev Thanks for reporting this issue. Unfortunately, I'm a bit at a loss for how to address this problem. I am reading into it but do you have any suggestions?

The problem is with how the packages debug and pluralize are imported, since both of these are CommonJS. The CJS export (dist/index.js) works fine, since it uses good old require. But the esm module needs to be corrected. The only thing that would be needed is to be a bit more consistent in how the imports are handled.

import * as pluralize from 'pluralize'

Needs to be changed to:

 import pluralize from 'pluralize' 


Needs to changed into:

 import debug from 'debug' 

ESM should be fixed by this, and CommonJS should still be working.

Give me a few minutes and I'll create a PR.

Until that is merged and released, one can still use this package with Webpack (but not have as good tree shaking capabilities) by using cjs: const { createGraphQLSchema } = require('openapi-to-graphql');.