IBM / ibm-cos-sdk-java


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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

doesBucketExist() returns true when client has invalid client creds

roryodonnell opened this issue · comments

   public Result CosHealthCheck() {

    AmazonS3 client = createClient(withInvalidCreds)
     // returns true
     client.doesBucketExist("some unknown bucket");

    public boolean doesBucketExist(String bucketName)
            throws SdkClientException, AmazonServiceException {
     try {
            headBucket(new HeadBucketRequest(bucketName));
            return true;
        } catch (AmazonServiceException ase) {
            // A redirect error or a forbidden error means the bucket exists. So
            // returning true.
            if ((ase.getStatusCode() == Constants.BUCKET_REDIRECT_STATUS_CODE)
                    || (ase.getStatusCode() == Constants.BUCKET_ACCESS_FORBIDDEN_STATUS_CODE)) {
                return true;
            if (ase.getStatusCode() == Constants.NO_SUCH_BUCKET_STATUS_CODE) {
                return false;
            throw ase;


@roryodonnell thanks for reporting this. doesBucketExist() has a precondition that assumes that the credentials are correct. By using headBucket() to verify that the bucket exists, it's unable to determine if a 403 Forbidden error is because the user doesn't have permission to the bucket or because the supplied credentials are invalid. We can address this by deprecating doesBucketExist and introducing a new method that does not rely on headBucket.

would something like this work

boolean doesBucketExist(String bucketName)
return listBuckets().contains(bucketName);

The problem with listBuckets() is that it won't list buckets that the user didn't create even if they have permission to it. Perhaps getBucketACL() might meet requirements.

@roryodonnell, did Patrick's suggestion help?

thanks Paul - kind of. I just needed to call a any method that would throw an exception if the creds were incorrect, so, yes. listBuckets will throw exception if my supplied creds are invalid