IBM / ibm-cos-sdk-java


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ibm-cos-java-sdk-bundle 2.11.1 contains vulnerable jackson-databind 2.13.1

klajok opened this issue · comments

The library jackson-databind version 2.13.1 is embedded in the latest version 2.11.1 of ibm-cos-java-sdk-bundle .

According to GHSA-57j2-w4cx-62h2 the above version of Jackson Databind is vulnerable.

Please prepare new release of COS Java SDK bundle with updated Jackson Databind library.

Thanks for your report. We have an internal ticket to complete this work.

Do you have an ETA when the new version will be available?

Latest CVE requires update to Hopefully this will be included. (I am with the the CP4D dev team)

Thank for the update. This change will be included in the next release. Thanks

Thanks Avinash - can you tell me when that is?

The next release will be in second quarter.

@klajok @hbornstein747 We have released 2.11.2 to address this issue. Please verify and close this ticket.

Thank you. I can verify the issue is resolved.

Thank you.