IBM / ibm-cos-sdk-java


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Android compatibility

YiannisGkoufas opened this issue · comments

We cannot use this library in Android and I couldn't find any guides to use Object Storage in Android besides this deprecated library.
Can you let us know what are the steps needed to modify this library to use it Android?
Or any potential workaround to access Object Storage in Android?


Hi @YiannisGkoufas Android is not supported in the java sdk. At this point I don't have a timeline of when an Android sdk will be available.

Hi @smcgrath-IBM thanks for letting me know. Since I am trying to do some basic operations on android, I was able to achieve Listing Objects and Getting an Object.
I am stuck a bit with the exact headers that should be used on the request, would you be able to give me few hints?
I could possibly upstream the (minimalistic for now) Android library that I am building

Hi @smcgrath-IBM please have a look in this branch:
mvn clean install
and then in the gradle file just import:
compile group: "", name:"ibm-cos-java-sdk-s3", version:'2.0.1-SNAPSHOT'
So far all the java examples seem to be working