IBM / ibm-cos-sdk-java


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Is there Retry-Logic in the SDK

fishyjerky opened this issue · comments

Hi, I'm migrating from object store and had some questions about retry-logic. I encountered a lot of timeouts when using object store (socket and connection) and had some retry-logic built into my http-handlers.

Does the java-sdk handle failures and retries for me? Or should I implement my own set of retries?


Hi @fishyjerky there is a built in retry mechanism on 5xx http responses. This defaults to 4 attempts, but is configurable using ClientConfiguration().withMaxErrorRetry(). I can't advise on any network issues you are having, but if you think there is an issue with the SDK please send on some more detail & debug logs if you have them.

That sounds great. I will use it and after I migrate, I will let you guys know if I notice any network issues that could be from the COS service.