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API Does'nt work thru an HTTPS Proxy

fberzolla-ibm opened this issue · comments

The API does not work if we are using an HTTPS Proxy !

To be precise The IAM authentication part of the API does not work if we are using an HTTPS Proxy.

The method uses a direct socket connection and therefore doesn't go thru the HTTPS proxy !

We have a customer that cannot use a SOCKS proxy for security reasons !

Is there a way to "customize" the API in order to go thru the HTTPS proxy for the IAM authentication part ?

Hi @fberzolla-ibm I presume you are using the DelegateTokenProvider for Aspera transfers. You can overwrite the default config on the provider like below;

DelegateTokenProvider asperaTokenProvider;
asperaTokenProvider = new DelegateTokenProvider(<API_KEY>).withIamEndpoint(<IAM_URL>);

DefaultTokenManager tokenManager = new DefaultTokenManager(asperaTokenProvider);

AsperaTransferManager asperaTransferManager = new AsperaTransferManagerBuilder(<API_KEY>, ).withTokenManager(tokenManager).build();

Let me know if this works for you

Hi @fberzolla-ibm I presume you are using the DelegateTokenProvider for Aspera transfers. You can overwrite the default config on the provider like below;

DelegateTokenProvider asperaTokenProvider;
asperaTokenProvider = new DelegateTokenProvider(<API_KEY>).withIamEndpoint(<IAM_URL>);

DefaultTokenManager tokenManager = new DefaultTokenManager(asperaTokenProvider);

AsperaTransferManager asperaTransferManager = new AsperaTransferManagerBuilder(<API_KEY>, ).withTokenManager(tokenManager).build();

Let me know if this works for you

Hi @seamy49
No I'm not using DelegateTokenProvider for Aspera transfers!

I'm just using the example coming from the README.

I'm not using not setting the TokenManager myself ! It is Embeded in the BasicIBMOAuthCredentials class !

        AWSCredentials credentials;
        if (endpoint_url.contains("")) {
            credentials = new BasicIBMOAuthCredentials(api_key, service_instance_id);
        } else {
            String access_key = api_key;
            String secret_key = service_instance_id;
            credentials = new BasicAWSCredentials(access_key, secret_key);
        ClientConfiguration clientConfig = new ClientConfiguration().withRequestTimeout(5000);

        AmazonS3 cos = AmazonS3ClientBuilder.standard().withCredentials(new AWSStaticCredentialsProvider(credentials))
                .withEndpointConfiguration(new EndpointConfiguration(endpoint_url, location)).withPathStyleAccessEnabled(Boolean.TRUE)

If you run the example and if you set up an HTTPS Proxy then it fails ! Because the BasicIBMOAuthCredentials uses behind the scene the DelegateTokenProvider.

@fberzolla-ibm BasicIBMOAuthCredentials uses DefaultTokenProvider, the delegate provider is for Aspera transfers. Are you looking to set a different endpoint to send IAM token requests through your proxy?

What I want to achieve is very simple. I want to run the sample CosExample that you provide in the README.

This work fine with my own parameters

        SDKGlobalConfiguration.IAM_ENDPOINT = "";
        String bucketName = "mazars";
        String api_key = "MY API KEY";
        String service_instance_id = "cf6885c9-5a79-453f-9657-afe64e1c245d";
        String endpoint_url = "";
        String location = "eu-geo";

But If I set an HTTPS proxy at the JVM layer

    	System.setProperty("https.proxyHost", "myProxyHost");
    	System.setProperty("https.proxyPort", "8080");

The the sample code does not work anymore !

It seems that the code that obtain the token from the iam URL
(located in the class Does not use the JVM proxy !

@fberzolla-ibm can you enable debug logging with log4j config & attach the output?

@fberzolla-ibm I just ran some tests on a proxy I set up locally, mitmproxy for mac, I can send requests to both staging & production bluemix using IAM authentication. It is quite possible some config is needed on your proxy.

@smcgrath-IBM I'm also using mitmproxy for mac.
If I set-up the client to use mitmproxy only for HTTPS requests then I can see on the mitmproxy log only request for !
No request for are going through the Proxy !!

If I set-up the client to use mitmproxy for HTTPS and also SOCKS proxy then I can see on the mitmproxy logs request for and also for

That mean that the requests for are not using the HTTPS proxy !

Can you confirm that ? Thanks

Hi @fberzolla-ibm on analysing mitmproxy logging, I can see only S3 calls using the proxy as you have found, not IAM tokens. I have created an internal issue to track this CSAFE-47973. As a workaround you can use hmac authentication i.e accessKey & secretKey. You can retrieve them with these steps;

Hi @fberzolla-ibm , a fix for this issue has been released in the latest version of the Java SDK 2.4.2, please let us know if this resolves your issue.

Hi @fberzolla-ibm did you try the latest SDK, is it ok to close this off?

closing as fix supplied in 2.4.2 release