IBM / dbb-zappbuild

zAppBuild is a generic build solution for building z/OS applications using Apache Groovy build scripts and IBM Dependency Based Build (DBB) APIs.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Reporting capability creates empty files

dennis-behm opened this issue · comments

Need to make sure, that file only are created if logical dependencies exists within the collection:

def writeExternalImpactReports(List<Collection> logicalImpactedFilesCollections, String indentationMsg) {
// generate reports by collection / application
logicalImpactedFilesCollections.each{ collectionImpacts ->
def List<LogicalFile> logicalImpactedFiles = collectionImpacts.getLogicalFiles()
def collectionName = collectionImpacts.getName()
String encodedFileName = URLEncoder.encode("externalImpacts_${collectionName}.log", "UTF-8")
String impactListFileLoc = "${props.buildOutDir}/${encodedFileName}"
if (props.verbose) println("*** Writing report of external impacts to file $impactListFileLoc")
File impactListFile = new File(impactListFileLoc)
String enc = props.logEncoding ?: 'IBM-1047'
impactListFile.withWriter(enc) { writer ->

Current behaviour is creating report logs for all inspected DBB collections
