IBM / cloudant-java-sdk

Cloudant SDK for Java

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Querying documents with invalid ID never completes

fritzfranzke opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
I am querying the database for documents using the example from the README. This works fine as long a document with the specified ID exists. However, if no document exists, the call never completes.

To Reproduce
Add a document with ID X to the database test. Execute the following code:

        GetDocumentOptions getDocOptions = new GetDocumentOptions.Builder()

        Document documentExample = client

This should return the document. Calling the same code with docId set to Y doesn't return anything, but also never finishes, making error handling impossible.

Must gather (please complete the following information):

  • SDK Version 0.4.2
  • Java Version 17.0.6 (2023-01-17)

Additional context
I am using the SDK with Apache CouchDB.
Am misunderstanding the API, or are there some flags I need to set for this to work?
Thanks for the great work!

A document ID that doesn't exist should cause the DB to return a 404 and the SDK should throw This works fine for me with 0.4.2.

Probably worth noting that NotFoundException is a RuntimeException. If you copied the README example then there is an explicit catch block for it.

Indeed, wrapping in a try-catch works as you described.
Thanks for the quick support and sorry for not reading the docs more thoroughly :/