IBM / aspera-cli

IBM Aspera CLI

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Files upload to shared folder using private link

neildonnell opened this issue · comments


Nice program, thank you for the considerable work you have done on this.

I have run into a problem trying to upload a file to a AOC folder that is shared with me (link).

I always seem to get the error: ERROR: Other: do not use both link and url options

This is an example of the command I try and use:

ascli aoc files upload --workspace=ipl-test --to-folder=/ #2871FFD.jpg --link=test

I've tried many forms of formatting, it seems as soon as I use --link to access a share I get the error.

Is this a bug or can you assist?

Thank you.


AoC provides a few ways to Authenticate/Authorize (all based on OAuth 2): web, jwt, public_link

  • jwt is what is typically used, together with a private key, and requires an account.
  • public_link is an anonymous, and just the link has it all: AoC instance URL and authorization.

Currently (4.14) option link accepts only public links, but not private links.

public links bear a an authorization, while private links require authentication.

So, the question is: is the link you use a public or private link ?

If it's a public link, it can work, but you cannot provide both the authentication and public link authorization, hence the error.

Maybe you have a default preset defined.

To tell ascli to not load a default preset, add option -N (no default).

If it's a private link, well you will have to wait for a future release.

I will look at adding private link support ..
Note that private links do not bear the authorization, so most probably the JWT auth will be needed.

a beta is available here:

to try: download that link, install with : gem install aspera-cli-beta.gem

then in this version, there is no option link, it's now just url, provide the private link there.
it will require a private key, like usual auth.

If you get the private link, you can retrieve the folder name, it is displayed when doing a browse.
Or you can also do:

ascli aoc files show / --fields=name --url=https://privatelinkhere --display=data

Then, if you want your scripts to use only that name, you can create a preset with the link:

ascli conf preset set myfoldername url https://private_link

Then, you can simply use that link with option -Pmyfolder

You can also prefix the preset with some fixed prefix, like priv_, example:


foldername=$(ascli aoc files show / --fields=name --url=$privlink --display=data)

ascli conf preset set $prefix$foldername url $privlink

Now you can use the folder name without the url:

ascli aoc files browse / -P$prefix$foldername

Also, an admin can list all short links like this:

ascli aoc admin res short_link list --fields=ALL

You can try this beta:

It adds support for "no workspace", i.e. shared folders only. For that specify option : --workspace=@json:null. (or equivalent: --workspace=@ruby:nil)


concerning the logs, they seem ok, just async is showing that it scans and does not find differences.

Else, did you check the beta ?