IBM / aspera-cli

IBM Aspera CLI

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Using CLI 4.13 instead of 3.9 to upload to a server

geop78 opened this issue · comments



I am trying to use 4.13 version so i can perform an upload to an Aspera server [IBM Aspera High-Speed Transfer Server (] as i was able with v3.9 of the CLI.
My existing command looks like:

 ascp --policy=fair -l 100m -m 1m /local-dir/files root@ 

I have tried multiple options, but i have not succeeded. Can you please advise and direct me towards the best command i can use to perform this ?

You can still use the ascp command, which you can find in any of the free client apps from IBM Aspera (Desktop, Connect, SDK)

Using ascli it gets installed at: $HOME/.aspera/ascli/sdk upon command: ascli conf ascp install

you can also use ascli with the server plugin like this:

ascli server upload --url=ssh:// --username=root --ts=@json:'{"rate_policy":"fair","target_rate_kbps",100000,"min_rate_kbps":1000}' /local-dir/files /remote-dir 

If you authenticate with a password, you can add option --password, for for keys: --ssh-keys (comma separated list of path to keys)

one can list transfer spec parameters (--ts) like this:

ascli conf ascp spec

parameters above can be saved in a conf file and recalled on command line, see the manual.

If you prefer bare ascp parameters:


i tried the gives us "authentication failed"

ascli server upload --url=ssh:// --username=root --ts=@json:'{"rate_policy":"fair","target_rate_kbps",100000,"min_rate_kbps":1000}' /local-dir/files /remote-dir

First be sure that you want to connect to an HSTS directly using a "transfer user", i.e. Linux user.
If so, yes the first command is server.
Then be sure that the credential you provide is correct, especially if there are special characters...

One can check by adding those options to the failing command: --show-config --show-secrets=yes

do you authenticate with password or ssh key ?
you should use option: --password= or --ssh-keys=

Example on demo system:

ascli -N server --url=ssh:// --user=asperaweb --password=demoaspera info

Or using a key:

ascli -N server --url=ssh:// --user=asperaweb --ssh-keys=$HOME/.aspera/ascli/sdk/aspera_bypass_rsa.pem info

Closing the ticket with no answer after 1 month.