IBAX-io / go-ibax

An innovative Blockchain Protocol Platform, which everyone can deploy their own applications quickly and easily, such as Dapp, DeFi, DAO, Cross-Blockchain transactions, etc.

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***** Enemies Within You ***** İbaxnetwork

Despair016 opened this issue · comments


Clear and concise description of the problem

Says Friends, If Distribution Can't Be Provided, take back all RT's and spam the twetter account

Suggested solution

Don't Give Rights to the Undeserved


No response

Additional context

No response


  • Read the docs.
  • Check that there isn't already an issue that request the same feature to avoid creating a duplicate.

Can't really understand Turkish. We just finish the airdrop and we are at the liquidation stage will finish liquidation in Q2, please stay with us.


After the liquidation, we will launch our main network and start redeeming IBXC as soon as possible, before we can do so, we must complete the private sale. Please give us some patient and support.