Hyperline / hyperline

✨ Status line plugin for Hyper ✨

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

add windows support

luisrudge opened this issue · comments

systeminformation doesn't work on windows :(

Well that's not too good 😅

Is not easy to get all this information from Windows platform, at least many of the native Node.js tools doesn't work properly on Windows.

Yeah.. I figured.. 😝

This looks extremely promising, though!

For me, hyperline does work, but it's really [unusably] slow.

can you add notes that this plugin doesnt work on windows. I spent a couple hours until I found this

Yes please add on the top of the README that this is not supported on Windows.

..Works fine for me, with the exception of RAM info.

For me some times works and other times doesn't

systeminformation works (sort of) on windows. I'd close this issue and any problems on windows should directed to the systeminformation issues.

Continually throws following error in Windows 10:

Uncaught Error: Command failed: route get 2>/dev/null | grep interface: | awk '{print $2}'
The system cannot find the path specified.

It is surprising to see this issue.
Hyperline has been working almost perfectly for me.
Only issue I have is that the network info is always at 0kB/s, but the ram, uptime, CPU and battery indicators work.

Hyperline seemed to be using up alot of resource on windows (fan on my laptop spun up until I uninstalled) guessing this is related to issues with it being slow too?

It seems to work for me, but I have two freaking scrollbars all the time.
By the way, the little dancing bird and the spotify icon are normal?