HyperledgerHandsOn / trade-finance-logistics

Trade Finance and Logistics based on Letter of Credit and Proof of Shipment

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Error while setting up network

mrahman14 opened this issue · comments

I'm trying to set up the network part.
I ran docker-compose -f docker-compose-e2e-template.yaml up but I receive the following errors:

ca_peerImporterOrg | Error: File specified by 'tls.keyfile' do
t exist: /etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server-config/IMPORTER_CA_PRIVATE_KEY
ca_peerExporterOrg | Error: File specified by 'tls.keyfile' do
t exist: /etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server-config/EXPORTER_CA_PRIVATE_KEY
ca_peerRegulatorOrg | Error: File specified by 'tls.keyfile' do
t exist: /etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server-config/REGULATOR_CA_PRIVATE_KEY

Did anyone have the same issue? How to solve this?
I just need to get the app running without any modification.

Thanks in advance!

What platform are you running this on? (The default code and instructions are for Linux Bash, though there are instructions given in the book for Macs too.) Strings like IMPORTER_CA_PRIVATE_KEY are environment variables that are substituted with real filenames when you run the trade.sh generate command. If you are running on a bash shell in Linux, you should not get the above error. If it's a Mac, change the code based on what's in the book. If it's anything else, you'll just have to figure out how to make the substitutions. See (and adapt) the code in network/trade.sh.

Should be fixed with da0d715