HydrologicEngineeringCenter / hec-dss

source code for HEC-DSS (Data Storage System)

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intermittent issue in Catalog test

ktarbet opened this issue · comments

14:52:42.087 -----DSS--- zwrite Handle 3; Version 23: /MISSISSIPPI/ST. LOUIS/FLOW/01Jan1863/1Day/OBS/
Error - catalog length should be 10, but it is 0
14:52:42.089 Record NOT found; Fail in testCatalog Loc 14, zcatalog not 10 records long

Status = -1

The issue may be with the method:

long long getCurrentTimeMillis()

When running the DSS-C test program I've seen getCurrentTimeMillis() return the following.
start_time : 1714408949000
end_time : 1714408228000

The end_time should be greater than the start_time.

The specific catalog test failing is checking for records that have been changed since a given timestamp. If the time method is not working, that could explain the occasional failing test.