HydrologicEngineeringCenter / hec-dss

source code for HEC-DSS (Data Storage System)

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Version of gridded data

vcloarec opened this issue · comments

I am playing a bit with gridded data in DSS files. I am trying to access to some gridded data, but I am stuck at the level of gridStruct->_structVersion that has to be equal to VERSION_100 to be able to be read, see here:

if (gridStruct->_structVersion == VERSION_100) {

I am wondering what is defining this version records in HEC world.


OK, got it, I've seen how to handle this here: https://github.com/HydrologicEngineeringCenter/hec-dss/tree/master/heclib/grid
But does the code present in the "grid" part is exposed somewhere in this library or other one ?

That directory hec-dss/heclib/grid is for read only support for DSS version 6 grids. DSS 6 will be deprecated in the future.

Here is an example program that creates DSS 7 grids from a tiff file.

Here are some notes about DSS6 and DSS7.

@ktarbet , thanks a lot! It helps me a lot to write a valid DSS grid.