Hvass-Labs / TensorFlow-Tutorials

TensorFlow Tutorials with YouTube Videos

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Error in Hyper parameter optimization tutorial.

wasifkhanniaz opened this issue · comments

Thanks for the tutorial. I asked the question in the Youtube comment but not answered yet. Can you look into it, please?
When I run (Line 26, or 27 line of your code); "fitness(x=default_parameters)". It gives an error: TypeError: fitness() got an unexpected keyword argument 'learning_rate' . Any idea how to solve it?

What version of skopt are you running? Please try and pip install using the line in the Notebook.

Have you modified the Notebook? Please checkout the Notebook again from github.

I'm assuming you found a solution for this. Please write it here so it can help others in the future.

I tried in Notebook, but it's not working yet.