Hvass-Labs / TensorFlow-Tutorials

TensorFlow Tutorials with YouTube Videos

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pretty tensor version?

apiszcz opened this issue · comments


I'm noting a prettytensor error with 0.7.1. (posted on their issue list), I'm wondering what version of prettytensor you are using? Thank you for the youtube tutorial series and github site.

version = '0.7.1'

import prettytensor as pt

File "lib\prettytensor_init_.py", line 25, in
from prettytensor import funcs
File "lib\prettytensor\funcs.py", line 25, in
from prettytensor.pretty_tensor_image_methods import *
File "lib\prettytensor\pretty_tensor_image_methods.py", line 135, in
class conv2d(prettytensor.VarStoreMethod):
File "lib\prettytensor\pretty_tensor_image_methods.py", line 145, in conv2d
TypeError: zeros_initializer() missing 1 required positional argument: 'shape'

A week ago I tested all tutorials on both GPU and CPU with TensorFlow v. 0.12 and PrettyTensor 0.7.3 and it all worked. However, PrettyTensor did not have the correct version number so it still reports 0.7.1

If you update then hopefully it works again:

pip install --upgrade prettytensor